How to Prepare Blue Tungsten Oxide from Ammonium Paratungstate?

Ammonium paratungstate (NH4) 2W2O7) is one of the common precursors for the preparation of tungsten oxide. The following is a common method to prepare blue tungsten oxide from ammonium paratungstate:

Material Science:

Ammonium paratungstate

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl)

Calcium chloride (CaCl2)

Ammonia water (NH3 • H2O)

Sodium tungstate chloride (Na2WO4)

distilled water


At room temperature, dissolve sodium tungstate chloride in distilled water until the concentration reaches 10%.

Add NH4Cl to the solution until the pH value is 3-4.

Add appropriate amount of CaCl2 and stir to dissolve.

Adjust the pH value to 9-10 with NH3 • H2O and keep it for 2 hours under stirring to fully precipitate tungsten oxide (WO3).

Filter out the sediment and wash it to neutral.

Mix NH4) 2W2O7 with NaOH at room temperature, stir and dissolve.

Transfer the mixture to distilled water, add appropriate amount of CaCl2, and adjust the pH value to 9-10.

Stir for 2 hours to fully precipitate blue tungsten oxide (WO3 • 0.33H2O).

Filter out the precipitate, wash it to neutral, and dry it at 50 ℃.

The final product is blue tungsten oxide, whose chemical formula is WO3 • 0.33H2O.