What is the Thickness of the Tungsten Wire Used to Make Needles?

The thickness of the tungsten wire used to make needles can vary depending on the intended application and the specific type of needle being produced. Tungsten wire is available in a wide range of diameters, typically ranging from less than 0.001 inches (0.025 mm) to over 0.060 inches (1.5 mm).

For very fine and delicate needles, such as those used in microsurgery or electronics, tungsten wire with a diameter of less than 0.002 inches (0.05 mm) may be used. Thicker tungsten wire may be used for larger needles, such as those used in industrial processes or scientific research.

The diameter of the tungsten wire used to make a needle will also determine the overall thickness and stiffness of the needle. Thicker wire will result in a thicker and stiffer needle, while thinner wire will produce a more flexible and delicate needle. The specific diameter and thickness of the tungsten wire used will be determined by the requirements of the specific application and the desired properties of the finished needle.