How Does the Surface Tension of Tungsten Needles in Microfluidic Applications?

The surface tension of tungsten needles can play an important role in microfluidic applications. Surface tension is the property of liquids that causes them to minimize their surface area by forming a spherical shape when they are not confined. This property is important in microfluidic applications where fluids are confined to very small dimensions.

In general, tungsten has a relatively high surface tension compared to many other metals and materials. This can make it useful for certain microfluidic applications where a high surface tension is desired, such as in the formation of droplets or the manipulation of fluids on surfaces.

However, the surface tension of tungsten can also make it difficult to wet with certain liquids, which can limit its usefulness in other microfluidic applications. Additionally, the surface roughness and composition of the tungsten surface can also affect its wetting properties and thus its performance in microfluidic applications.