How Is Molybdenum Mined?

The mining methods of molybdenum ore include open-pit mining, tunnel mining, tunnel mining and ore mass blasting mining.

Open-pit mining: It is mainly applicable to the Aroushan type and sandstone type molybdenum deposits. It is carried out by mechanized methods, and the ore is obtained by drilling, blasting, loading and transportation.

Shaft mining: It is mainly suitable for sulfide-type and granite-type molybdenum deposits. Mining is carried out by mining shafts and roadways, and mining is carried out by using underground machinery and equipment.

Tunnel mining: It is suitable for alkaline molybdenum deposits. Mining is carried out in tunnels, and ores can also be obtained by underground blasting.

Ore mass blasting mining: It is suitable for large-scale molybdenum deposits. Mining is carried out by means of ore mass blasting. The ore body is blasted first, and then mining is carried out.

It should be noted that the mining method of molybdenum ore has a relatively large impact on the environment, and attention should be paid to protecting the environment and ecosystem during the mining process.

More details of molybdenum or molybdenum products, please visit website:

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