How Effective Are Cesium-Doped Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles for Thermal Insulation?

In recent years, the study of functional membranes has attracted extensive attention. Studies have shown that optical films with high visible reflectance and strong near-infrared shielding rate can be prepared by simple wet chemical methods. The resulting transparent film has high visible light reflectance (23.9%), can block blue light, and has excellent near-infrared shielding rate (over 80%), while still maintaining high transparency, which means that the film can potentially be used in Energy efficient windows.

The cesium-doped tungsten oxide nanoparticles for functional films can be Cs0.32WO3 nanoparticles with excellent near-infrared shielding properties. It can be used to prepare heat-shielding coatings, and then to coat ordinary glass substrates to obtain nano-coated glass. Cesium-doped tungsten oxide nano-coated glass is highly transparent, which can shield a large amount of solar heat radiation, reduce the operating rate and use time of air conditioners, and then reduce the energy consumption of air conditioners, so as to slow down the rise of indoor temperature in hot summer. High and reduce CO2 emissions.

According to experts, this transparent coated glass has excellent near-infrared shielding performance in the range of 800-2500nm, and the reason why it can play a transparent heat insulation function is related to the valence of tungsten ions in cesium tungsten bronze (W5+ and W6+) related.

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