What Are Thermal Insulation Effects of Nano Cesium Tungsten Oxide?

The promotion and application of energy-saving technologies has reached a global consensus, and many countries have introduced policies one after another. In building energy consumption, a large proportion is lost through glass doors and windows. Similarly, in hot summer, the sun shines through the glass of the car, making it unbearable for drivers and passengers, accelerating the aging of vehicle interiors, and greatly increasing fuel consumption, increasing emissions, and damaging the environment. Therefore, there is a need to find a glass insulator that is both transparent and insulating.

Cesium tungsten oxide/cesium tungsten bronze is an inorganic nanomaterial with good near-infrared and ultraviolet absorption effects, uniform particles, good dispersion, environmental friendliness, strong selective light transmission ability, good near-infrared shielding performance, and high transparency , stands out from other traditional transparent insulation materials. It is a new functional material with strong absorption in the near-infrared region (wavelength 800-1200nm) and high transmittance in the visible light region (wavelength 380-780nm).

Chinese name: cesium tungsten oxide/cesium tungsten bronze

English name: Cesium Tungsten Bronze

CAS number: 189619-69-0

Molecular formula: Cs0.33WO3

Molecular weight: 276

Appearance: dark blue powder

At the same time, as a new type of heat insulating agent for automotive glass, nano-cesium tungsten oxide has the best near-infrared absorption characteristics. Usually, adding 2 g per square meter of coating can achieve an infrared rejection rate of more than 90% at 950 nm, and at the same time achieve more than 70% visible light transmittance. The heat insulating agent of China Tungsten Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. has been widely recognized by many glass manufacturers. This heat insulating agent is used in the production of coated heat insulating glass, coated heat insulating glass and laminated heat insulating glass, which can significantly improve the human body Comfort and substantial energy savings.

Nano-cesium tungsten oxide can be said to be a transparent heat-insulating nano-powder. What needs to be known is that cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder is not really “transparent”, but a dark blue powder. “Transparent” mainly means that the thermal insulation dispersion liquid, thermal insulation film and thermal insulation coating prepared by cesium tungsten bronze all show high transparency. Chinatungsten Intelligent Manufacturing believes that the production of thermal insulation coatings requires the use of film formers, such as acrylic resins. Acrylic resin has excellent color and luster, good light resistance and weather resistance, UV resistance without decomposition or yellowing, gloss and color retention, and can maintain the original color for a long time. Acrylic resins are often used in combination with other resins as film-forming substances for transparent thermal insulation coatings. Some experts used polyurethane acrylate water-based resin as film-forming material and nano-cesium tungsten bronze as heat-insulating particles to prepare transparent heat-insulating coatings, and applied them to architectural glass. Studies have shown that the transmittance of the coating in the visible light region is about 75%.

More details of cesium tungsten bronze product, please visit website: cesium-tungsten-bronze.com
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of cesium tungsten bronze:
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129595