How About Superconducting Properties of Tungsten Bronze Material?

The alkali metal tungsten bronze system (MxWO3) has superconducting properties. The critical temperature is related to the alkali metal content X. X is between 0.16 and 0.25 and the temperature rises as X decreases. Preparation is difficult and the product is random. X is between 0.25 and 0.33, and the critical temperature of different batches with the same growth method (with the same Rb content) is different. The anisotropy is greater than 60° in the plane perpendicular to the C axis, and 180° anisotropy in the plane including the C axis. When electrons move in the lattice, they will attract positive charges on adjacent lattice points, causing local distortion of the lattice points, forming a localized high positive charge region. The local high positive charge region will attract electrons with opposite spins, and combine with the original electrons with a certain binding energy. At low temperatures, this binding energy may be higher than the vibration energy of the lattice atoms, so that the electron pairs will not exchange energy with the lattice, and there will be no resistance, forming the so-called “superconductivity”.

The picture shows the structure of rubidium tungsten bronze at 5K when X=0.33

From 5K to 300K, there will be slight structural differences in the lattice parameters

More details of cesium tungsten bronze product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of cesium tungsten bronze:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595