What Are Basic Data of Tungsten Pentachloride?

Tungsten pentachloride identification CAS number 13470-14-9 Tungsten pentachloride PubChem139469 Chemical formula of tungsten pentachloride W2Cl10

Appearance of tungsten pentachloride black crystal

The density of tungsten pentachloride is 3.88 g/cm3

The melting point of tungsten pentachloride is 253 °C (526 K) ()

The boiling point of tungsten pentachloride is 286 °C (559 K) ()

Solubility (water) decomposition of tungsten pentachloride

Unless otherwise noted, all data are from standard conditions (25°C, 100 kPa).

More details of tungstate product, please visit website: tungstate.net
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