What Are the Synthesis Methods of Potassium Tungstate?

(1) Potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 is mixed with tungsten powder, it can be burned when heated, and can be heated to 1700°C within 0.1-0.2s to obtain potassium tungstate.

(2) K2WO4 can be obtained by the action of W and KOH

2W + 3O2 + 4KOH2K2WO4 + 2H2OW + 4KOHK2WO4 + 2K + 2H2W and KOH solution: no reaction in the absence of oxygen, a little effect in the presence of oxygen to form K2WO4. W and KOH melt react slowly in the absence of oxygen (for example, nitrogen gas deoxidation at 660 ° C), forming K2WO4, H2 and K. It can react violently in the presence of oxidants (such as KNO3, KNO2, KClO3, PbO2, etc.).

More details of tungstate product, please visit website: tungstate.net
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