Do You Have Molybdenum Electrodes in Stock?

Some suppliers and manufacturers usually maintain a certain amount of molybdenum electrodes in stock. These off-the-shelf molybdenum electrodes are typically manufactured in common sizes, gauges, and shapes to meet the needs of common applications.

The advantage of having stock in stock is that it can provide fast delivery and reduce waiting time. Customers can directly purchase spot molybdenum electrodes without waiting for customization or production cycle.

However, off-the-shelf stock of molybdenum electrodes may be limited, especially for specific size, shape or property needs. If customers require custom or non-standard specifications of molybdenum electrodes, it may be necessary to make an order or wait for the manufacturing cycle.

Therefore, if you need to purchase molybdenum electrodes, please contact Xiamen Chinatungsten Online.

More details of molybdenum or molybdenum alloy products, please visit website:

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of molybdenum alloy products:


Tel.: +86 592 5129595