What Is Silicotungstic Acid?

Silicotungstic acid (Sillicontungstic Acid), also known as “tungstic silicic acid”, is a chemical substance, and its molecular formula is H4[Si(W3O10)4]•xH2O. The common chemical formula is H4SiW12O40•24H2O, and the molecular weight of silicotungstic acid is 3310.66. Silicotungstic acid is a white yellowish deliquescent crystal, easily soluble in water, ethanol, ether, and soluble in its crystal water when heated. The solubility of silicotungstic acid in water is 0.1g/mL, and it becomes clear and transparent after dissolving. It dissolves in its own crystal water when heated, and decomposes when heated to 600-650°C; decomposes when heated above 600°C. Gradually degrade and even decompose into silicate and tungstate in lye.

Preparation method of silicotungstic acid: It can be obtained by acidifying the mixture of sodium tungstate and sodium silicate with hydrochloric acid, and then extracting it with ether.

Uses of silicotungstic acid: used as a catalyst for organic synthesis, an inorganic ion exchanger, a mordant for basic aniline dyes, an alkaloid reagent, and a heavy liquid for separating minerals.

More details of tungstate product, please visit website: tungstate.net
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