How Many Forms Does Sodium Tungstate Have?

Na2WO4 tungsten dioxide and sodium carbonate are melted according to the calculated amount to obtain anhydrous sodium tungstate. The anhydrous product is recrystallized in an aqueous solution above 6°C to obtain dihydrate crystals. Below this temperature, the decahydrate is obtained.

In industry, wolframite [(Fe, Mn) WO4] or scheelite [Scheelite][CaWO4] and artificially synthesized scheelite are extracted with sodium hydroxide solution to obtain crude sodium tungstate, which is converted with acid Become H2WO4, and then use sodium hydroxide to make Na2WO4•2H2O:


H2WO4+2NaOH→ Na2WO4+2H2O

The anhydrous substance is a white opaque crystal block with three crystal forms of δ, γ, and β. The transition temperature from δ to γ is about 570°C, and the transition temperature from γ to β is about 585°C. The relative density is 4.18 (18.5°C), and the melting point is 700°C. Even if it is heated to 700°C in hydrogen, it will not change, and it will turn into metal tungsten at 1100°C. When heated together with chlorine gas, it turns into yellow oxychloride.

The dihydrate Na2WO4•2H2O is a very thin colorless orthorhombic plate crystal with luster. The relative density is 3.23 (19°C), and the melting point is 698°C. It is stable in air and becomes anhydrous when heated to 100°C. The solubility to water is 82.5g/100g (20°C), and the aqueous solution is slightly alkaline (pH= 8-9). It decomposes under the action of acid and crystallizes tungstic acid which is insoluble in water.

Decahydrate is a colorless crystal. It is easy to transform into dihydrate above 6°C.

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