What Is Conductivity of Nano Tungsten Trioxide?

The conductivity of nano tungsten trioxide (WO3) can be tuned and changed depending on its crystal structure, morphology of nanoparticles, and doping or redox factors. The following are some main features about the conductivity of nano-tungsten trioxide:

Non-conductive (below WO3 phase transition temperature)

At room temperature, tungsten trioxide is generally an insulator and does not conduct electricity. This is due to the strong covalent and ionic bonds between the tungsten oxide layers in its crystal structure, which prevent electrons from moving freely in the crystal lattice.

Semiconducting (around WO3 phase transition temperature)

When nano-tungsten trioxide is stimulated by the outside world (such as temperature rise), it may undergo a phase transition from an insulator to a semiconductor. Around the phase transition temperature, changes in the lattice structure lead to an increased ability for electrons to move through the material, increasing conductivity.

Electrochromic (above WO3 phase transition temperature)

When nano-tungsten trioxide is heated above its phase transition temperature, it becomes a conductive semiconductor. In this state, tungsten trioxide has high electron mobility, and electrons can move freely in the crystal, thus exhibiting good electrical conductivity. At this time, nano-tungsten trioxide is commonly used in electrochromic devices and electronic devices.

In addition, the change of conductivity can also be achieved by methods such as doping or redox. For example, doping other metal ions or elements can change the conductivity of nano-tungsten trioxide. The redox reaction can also introduce oxygen vacancies or adjust the oxidation state in nano-tungsten trioxide, thus affecting the conductivity.

It should be noted that the conductivity of nano-tungsten trioxide is a complex field of research, which is affected by many factors. Therefore, the specific conductivity characteristics may vary depending on the sample preparation method, morphology, size, etc.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website: tungsten-oxide.com
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