What Are Reactions of Tungsten Oxide With Other Substances?

Tungsten oxide (WO3) can react with other substances in many ways, and some common types of reactions are listed below:

Oxidized Tungstic Acid Alkali Reaction

Tungsten oxide is a weakly acidic oxide, which can undergo acid-base neutralization reaction when it comes into contact with alkaline substances to generate corresponding salt and water.

Tungsten Oxide Reduction Reaction

Tungsten oxide can be reduced to low oxidation state tungsten compounds by reducing agent. For example, tungsten oxide can be reduced to metallic tungsten or a low oxidation state compound of tungsten by heating or reacting with a reducing agent.

Tungsten Oxide Oxidation Reaction

Tungsten oxide can participate in oxidation reactions, such as reacting with oxygen to form tungsten oxide in a higher oxidation state.

Tungsten Oxide Coordination Reaction

Tungsten oxide can form coordination compounds with other ligands or compounds. These coordination reactions can occur in solution or in the solid phase and lead to changes in the structure and properties of tungsten oxide.

Tungsten Oxide Photocatalytic Reaction

Tungsten oxide can participate in photocatalytic reactions under light conditions, such as photolysis of water to produce hydrogen or oxygen.

Tungsten Oxide Vulcanization Reaction

Tungsten oxide can react with sulfide to form tungsten sulfide compounds, such as tungsten trisulfide (WS3), etc.

It should be noted that the specific reaction type and reaction conditions depend on the form, purity and specific conditions of the reaction with other substances of tungsten oxide. In addition, there are many other details and variants of the reaction of tungsten oxide with different substances, and the specific reaction should be considered according to the specific situation.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website: tungsten-oxide.com
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten oxide:
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129595