What Is The Crystal Plane Orientation of Single Crystal Tungsten Oxide?

The crystal plane orientation of single crystal tungsten oxide (WO3) can be described by the Miller index of the crystal. The Miller index is used to identify the crystal plane on the crystal surface, which consists of three integers (hkl), representing the intercept of the crystal plane on the lattice coordinate axis.

In single crystal tungsten oxide, the orientation of crystal planes is determined by the crystal growth direction and crystal structure. The crystal growth direction is usually controlled during the crystal growth process, and the crystal structure determines the relative stability of different crystal planes in the crystal.

For single crystal tungsten oxide, common crystal plane orientations include:

(001) plane: This is the base plane of tungsten oxide and the most stable crystal plane.

(010) plane: This is the side of tungsten oxide, which has high surface energy and is easy to form a stable crystal morphology.

(100) plane: This is the end face of tungsten oxide, which has low surface energy and is relatively unstable.

It should be noted that the crystal plane orientation of single crystal tungsten oxide can be achieved by controlling the crystal growth conditions and crystal orientation. The specific crystal plane orientation can be characterized and confirmed by experimental techniques such as X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website: tungsten-oxide.com
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