What Are Technical Indicators of Tungsten Oxide Dispersion?

The technical indicators of tungsten oxide dispersion can include the following aspects:

  1. Particle size: The size of tungsten oxide particles in tungsten oxide dispersion is an important indicator. It is usually described by the average diameter or particle size distribution of particles, which can be measured by methods such as particle size analysis.
  2. Dispersion: Dispersion describes the degree of uniform dispersion of tungsten oxide particles in the liquid phase. Good dispersion means that there is no obvious agglomeration or sedimentation between particles, which can be evaluated by indicators such as turbidity and stability.
  3. Concentration: The concentration of tungsten oxide particles in the tungsten oxide dispersion is also an important technical indicator. Concentration can be expressed as the mass concentration or volume concentration of particles, and the common unit is weight percent or volume percent.
  4. Stability: The stability of tungsten oxide dispersion refers to its ability to maintain a dispersed state during storage and use. Stability is affected by many factors, such as surface modifiers, ionic strength, pH, etc., and can be evaluated by observing precipitation, stratification, or particle size changes, etc.
  5. pH value: The pH value of the tungsten oxide dispersion is also an important indicator. The pH value affects the charge state and dispersibility of the particles and can be measured with a pH indicator or a pH meter.
  6. Viscosity: Viscosity is an indicator of the fluidity of tungsten oxide dispersion, which is affected by the particle concentration and the interaction force between particles. Viscosity can be measured using an instrument such as a viscometer.
  7. Surface modifier: A surface modifier is often added to the tungsten oxide dispersion to adjust the dispersion and stability of the particles. The type, concentration and nature of the surface modifier is also an important technical indicator.

The above are the technical indexes of some common tungsten oxide dispersions, and the specific index selection and requirements will vary according to different application requirements and preparation methods.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website: tungsten-oxide.com
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten oxide:
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