Agglomeration Phenomenon of Tungsten Oxide Dispersion

In tungsten oxide dispersions, agglomeration refers to the phenomenon that particles gather to form clusters or accumulations. This agglomeration behavior may lead to a decrease in the uniform dispersion of the particles, affecting the performance and stability of the dispersion.

The main reasons for the agglomeration between tungsten oxide particles are as follows:

  1. Van der Waals force: There is a van der Waals force attraction on the particle surface. When the van der Waals force between particles is large, agglomeration is easy to occur.
  2. Particle surface charge: The particle surface is charged, and when the electrostatic repulsion between particles is not strong enough to overcome other forces, it will lead to particle aggregation.
  3. Solvent characteristics: The nature of the solvent has an impact on the particle dispersion. Some solvents may not be conducive to the dispersion of particles, resulting in agglomeration.
  4. Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as temperature, pH value, and salt concentration will also affect the dispersion state of particles. Changing environmental conditions may cause particle agglomeration.

In order to prevent agglomeration, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Selection of dispersant: Adding an appropriate amount of dispersant can reduce the interaction force between particles and reduce the occurrence of agglomeration.
  2. Ultrasonic treatment: through the action of ultrasonic waves, particle agglomeration can be destroyed and the dispersion of particles can be increased.
  3. Heat treatment: Heating the dispersion at an appropriate temperature will help reduce the adhesion of particles and reduce agglomeration.
  4. pH adjustment: According to the charge characteristics of the particle surface, adjust the pH value of the solution to change the electrostatic repulsion between particles, thereby reducing agglomeration.

Taking the above measures comprehensively can effectively inhibit the agglomeration phenomenon in the tungsten oxide dispersion, and improve the stability and dispersion performance of the dispersion.

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