How to Protect Tungsten Oxide Operators?

Operators should take appropriate precautions to ensure personal safety when handling tungsten oxide (WO3). Here are some common protective recommendations:

Respiratory Protection

When handling tungsten oxide powders or suspensions, suitable respiratory protective equipment such as particle filter masks (e.g. N95 grade) should be worn. This helps prevent inhalation of tungsten oxide dust.

Skin Protection

Appropriate protective clothing or long sleeves should be worn to prevent tungsten oxide from contacting the skin. Wear protective gloves and shoes to minimize the risk of exposure.

Eye Protection

Use safety glasses or goggles to protect eyes from splashing or flying tungsten oxide particles.

Ventilation Control

Ensure that the workplace has a good ventilation system to reduce the concentration and exposure time of tungsten oxide dust. Use local exhaust and protective enclosures if possible.

Avoid Ingestion And Inhalation

Do not eat, drink or smoke in work areas where tungsten oxide is handled. Avoid getting tungsten oxide powder into your mouth or digestive tract.

Storage And Disposal

Properly store and handle tungsten oxide substances, operate in accordance with relevant safety regulations, and comply with local regulations.

Training And Awareness

Make sure that operators receive relevant safety training and have correct operating awareness. Learn about the hazards of tungsten oxide and safe handling procedures to follow best practices.

Please note that these are general precautionary recommendations and specific precautionary measures may vary depending on the specific work environment and operational requirements. Make sure to follow the company’s safety operating procedures and regulations, and consult relevant safety experts or health institutions for detailed protection guidelines.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten oxide:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595