Difference in Use between Tetrabromotungsten and Hexabromotungsten

There are some differences in the uses of tetrabromotungsten (WBr4) and hexabromotungsten (WBr6).

The main uses of tetrabromotungsten include:

Chemical synthesis catalyst: tetrabromotungsten can be used as a catalyst in organic synthesis reactions, participating in hydrogenation, haloalkylation, alcohol etherification, oxidation and other reactions.

Metal organic chemistry: tetrabromotungsten can be used as a reaction reagent in the synthesis and research of metal organic compounds.

Material Science: Tungsten tetrabromide can be used as a precursor for the preparation of tungsten-based materials, and used in the preparation of tungsten alloys, nanocrystals and other materials.

The main uses of tungsten hexabromide include:

High-temperature lubricant: tungsten hexabromide has good lubricating properties in high-temperature environments and can be used as high-temperature lubricant and friction material.

Electronic materials: tungsten hexabromide can be used in the preparation of electronic materials, such as optoelectronic devices, semiconductor devices and batteries.

Chemical analysis: tungsten hexabromide can be used as chemical analysis reagent, especially in the analysis and detection of certain organic compounds.

More details of tungsten, molybdenum and rare earth news, please visit website: https://www.ctia.com.cn/en/
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