Oxidation State Difference between Tungsten Tetrabromide and Tungsten Hexabromide

Tungsten tetrabromide (WBr4) and tungsten hexabromide (WBr6) have obvious differences in oxidation state.

The tungsten atom in tungsten tetrabromide is in the +4 oxidation state, that is, each tungsten atom loses 4 electrons to form tetravalent tungsten ions (W4+). At this time, the tungsten atom is coordinated by four bromine atoms to form an ionic crystal structure.

Tungsten atoms in tungsten hexabromide are in +6 oxidation state, that is, each tungsten atom loses 6 electrons to form hexavalent tungsten ions (W6+). The tungsten atoms are coordinated by six bromine atoms, forming an ionic crystal structure.

Due to the difference in oxidation state, tungsten tetrabromide and tungsten hexabromide show differences in chemical properties and reaction behavior. Compared with tungsten tetrabromide, tungsten hexabromide has higher oxidation and reactivity.

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