Oxidation State Difference between Tungsten Tetrabromide and Tungsten Pentabromide

There is a certain difference in the oxidation state of tungsten tetrabromide (WBr4) and tungsten pentabromide (WBr5).

The oxidation state of tungsten (W) in tungsten tetrabromide is +4, that is, the tungsten atom loses 4 electrons to form a tetravalent cation. This means that in tungsten tetrabromide, the tungsten atom forms a chemical bond with four bromine atoms, and the tungsten atom has a positive charge.

The oxidation state of tungsten (W) in tungsten pentabromide is +5, that is, the tungsten atom loses 5 electrons to form a pentavalent cation. In tungsten pentabromide, a tungsten atom forms a chemical bond with five bromine atoms, and the tungsten atom has a higher positive charge.

The different oxidation states of the two compounds reflect the differences in electron abundance and charge state of the tungsten atoms. The oxidation state of tungsten pentabromide is higher, which means that the tungsten atom has lost more electrons and is more oxidizing. Tungsten tetrabromide, on the other hand, has a lower oxidation state and is relatively weak in oxidation.

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