Why does Tungstate Replace Tungsten Tetrabromide?

As a compound, tungstate and tungsten tetrabromide are gradually being paid attention to and adopted in some applications, mainly because of some special properties and advantages. Let me give you a detailed introduction to the reasons why tungstate replaces tungsten tetrabromide:

Environmental friendliness: Tungstates are generally considered to be more environmentally friendly than some halides such as tungsten tetrabromide. Whereas halide-based compounds may have adverse environmental impacts in some cases, tungstates may be more benign in this regard.

Catalytic activity: Tungstate also shows certain activity in the field of catalysis. Although tungsten tetrabromide often exhibits good activity in catalytic reactions, tungstates may exhibit different catalytic properties in some reactions, thus providing alternatives for some specific applications.

Versatility: Tungstate compounds may have many different oxidation states, from +2 to +6. This makes them promising for a wide range of applications in diverse fields such as catalysis, electrochemistry, and materials science. This versatility can be adapted to the needs of different reactions.

Regulability: The structure and properties of tungstate can be adjusted by adjusting the synthesis method and experimental conditions. This allows researchers to design tungstates with specific properties as needed to meet the requirements of specific applications.

Exploration of new fields: The application of tungstate is not limited to the field of catalysis, but can also be extended to fields such as electrochemistry, photocatalysis, and energy storage. This opens up new space for researchers to explore.

More details of tungsten, molybdenum and rare earth news, please visit website: https://www.ctia.com.cn/en/
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