Barium Tungsten Cathodes Applied to Image Intensifier

Barium tungsten cathodes have important applications in image intensifiers. An image intensifier is a device used to amplify low-light images and is commonly used in fields such as medicine, military, night vision, and industry. Here is some information on the application of barium tungsten cathodes in image intensifiers:

Electron emission: The barium tungsten cathode can emit electrons stably, and generate electron beams under the action of electric field.

Electron multiplication: The electron beam emitted by the barium-tungsten cathode is guided to other electronic components, such as a microchannel plate (MCP), where the electron beam is multiplied, that is, the number of electrons is amplified through multiple microchannels in series.

Photo-Induced Electron Emission: In image intensifiers, barium tungsten cathodes typically emit electrons via photo-induced electron emission. The incident photons are absorbed, exciting electrons in the barium tungsten cathode, resulting in electron emission.

Electron amplification: Through the process of electron multiplication, the number of electrons in the electron beam is amplified, creating a stronger flow of electrons with higher energy.

Light Amplification: The amplified stream of electrons eventually hits the phosphor screen, where it excites the fluorescent material to produce a visible light image. This visible-light image is a zoomed-in version of the original low-light image.

Applications: Image intensifiers are used in medicine for low-dose X-ray imaging, in night vision equipment for clearer vision, in military and law enforcement for object detection, and more.

Resolution improvement: The excellent electron emission performance and electron multiplication process of the barium tungsten cathode can improve the resolution of the image intensifier, making fine details easier to observe.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website:

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