Barium Tungsten Cathodes Used in Electronic Picture Tubes

Barium tungsten cathodes also have important applications in electronic picture tubes. A picture tube is a device used to generate images and is commonly used in televisions, video cameras, imaging equipment, etc. The following is some information on the application of barium tungsten cathodes in electronic picture tubes:

Electron Emission: The barium tungsten cathode emits stable electrons, which are used to generate the electron beam.

Electron focusing: The electron beam passes through the focusing system, which can control the size and shape of the electron beam, thereby affecting the resolution and clarity of the image.

Electron Beam Scanning: An electron beam is moved across the screen through a scanning system, creating an image on the screen. By controlling the speed and direction of the scan, different patterns and images can be generated.

Light Emission: A beam of electrons strikes the phosphor screen on the back of the picture tube, exciting substances in the phosphor screen to produce visible light, which creates an image.

Image Creation: The combination of the scanning of the electron beam and the lighting of the phosphor screen creates an image on the screen, similar to how a conventional television works.

Application fields: Electronic picture tubes are widely used in televisions, cameras, surveillance systems, medical imaging equipment and other fields for real-time display and recording of images.

Image quality: The stable electron emission performance and electron beam focusing ability of the barium tungsten cathode are crucial to the resolution and quality of the image.

CRT Monitor: A traditional CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor is also an electronic picture tube that works similarly to the above.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website:

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