Barium Tungsten Cathodes Applied in Electron Beam Accelerator

Barium tungsten cathodes also have certain applications in electron beam accelerators. An electron beam accelerator is a device used to accelerate electron beams to high energies, commonly used in scientific research, medical imaging, material processing, etc. The following is some information on the application of barium tungsten cathodes in electron beam accelerators:

Electron emission: The barium tungsten cathode can emit electrons stably, and generate electron beams under the action of electric field.

Electron beam emission: The electron beam emitted by the barium tungsten cathode is accelerated to extremely high energy to form a high-energy electron beam.

Electron beam control: By controlling the number of emitted electrons from the barium-tungsten cathode and the focus of the electron beam, the energy and size of the electron beam can be precisely controlled.

Particle Acceleration: The high-energy electron beam can be further accelerated in the guide system of the accelerator to form a high-energy particle beam, which is used in physical experiments, material research and other fields.

Scientific research: Electron beam accelerators are widely used in scientific research, such as fundamental particle physics, nuclear physics, material science, etc., to explore the properties and interactions of matter.

Medical Imaging and Therapy: Electron beam accelerators are used to generate high-energy electron beams that can be used in applications such as medical imaging and radiation therapy for tumors.

Industrial application: Electron beam accelerators can be used in industrial fields such as material surface modification, material surface coating, and food irradiation.

Research Tools: Electron beam accelerators are used as tools in research to explore the fundamental structure and properties of matter.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website:

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