What Is the Working Principle of Barium Tungsten Cathode?

The working principle of barium tungsten cathode involves electron emission, electron beam steering and interaction with other components. These electrodes are commonly used in electronic devices, such as TV camera tubes, photoelectron spectrometers, microwave amplifiers, etc. The following is the general working principle of barium tungsten cathode:

Electron Emission: Barium tungsten cathode is a cathode that has electron emission capability. When an appropriate voltage is applied to the barium-tungsten cathode, electrons will be released from its surface. This phenomenon is called Thermionic Emission.

Electron beam formation: The released electrons form an electron beam, which is a group of high-speed electrons released from the cathode. This electron beam can be directed into other components or devices.

Electron beam steering: The intensity and direction of the electron beam can be controlled by adjusting the voltage and electric field on the barium tungsten cathode. Changing the voltage of the electrodes can affect the number and kinetic energy of the emitted electrons and thus the properties of the electron beam.

Interaction: The electron beam can interact with other devices or components to produce different effects. For example, in a television camera tube, a beam of electrons can hit a phosphor on a phosphor screen, producing visible light. In a microwave amplifier, a beam of electrons interacts with a microwave signal, amplifying the energy of the microwave signal.

Energy conversion: The working principle of barium tungsten cathode involves the conversion of energy, from the kinetic energy of electrons to light, electromagnetic waves or other forms of energy, so as to achieve specific functions.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-electrode.html

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