What Is the Use of Barium Tungsten Cathode in Electronic Picture Tube?

Barium tungsten cathodes have important uses in electronic picture tubes, which are devices used to generate, manipulate and display electronic images. This technology finds applications in areas such as surveillance, imaging and display. The following are some uses of barium tungsten cathodes in electronic picture tubes:

Electron emission: The barium tungsten cathode is used as the cathode to emit electrons under the action of an electric field. These electrons are used as electron beams in electron picture tubes.

Electron beam generation: The electrons emitted by the barium tungsten cathode form an electron beam, which can be directed to other components or components.

Electron beam manipulation: By controlling the voltage and electric field of the barium-tungsten cathode, the intensity and direction of the electron beam can be adjusted. This manipulation can affect the characteristics of the electronic image.

Screen excitation: The electron beam is directed to the screen of the kinescope, and the fluorescent material on the screen is excited to produce visible light.

Image Creation: Electron beams are moved horizontally and vertically across the screen to form pixel-like patterns of electrons to create an electron image.

Electronic image conversion: The electronic image produced on the screen can be converted into a visible light image through the emission of fluorescent materials.

Surveillance and Display: Electronic picture tubes are used in applications such as surveillance equipment, monitors, and televisions to convert electronic images into visible images.

Magnification and enhancement: The electronic picture tube has the characteristic of electronic amplification, which can enlarge the electronic image, so as to realize the observation and analysis of details.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-electrode.html

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