Does Barium Tungsten Cathode Have Specific Corrosion Resistance?

Barium tungsten cathode generally has a certain corrosion resistance, but its corrosion resistance may depend on the specific working environment, temperature and atmosphere and other factors. The following are some considerations regarding the corrosion resistance of barium tungsten cathodes:

Oxidation: The tungsten in the barium tungsten cathode is easily oxidized in the presence of high temperature and oxygen. Oxidation affects the electron emission performance of the cathode.

Barium Vapor: The barium in the barium tungsten cathode may react with gas to form barium vapor under the conditions of high temperature and gas presence. These compounds can reduce the work function of the cathode, thereby improving electron emission performance.

Humidity: A high humidity environment may cause oxidation and corrosion of the barium tungsten cathode surface, thereby affecting the electron emission performance.

Chemical environment: In some specific chemical environments, such as acidic or alkaline solutions, barium tungsten cathodes may be corroded. Its corrosive properties depend on the nature and temperature of the solution.

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