How to Store Barium Tungsten Cathode?

Storage of barium tungsten cathodes is very important to maintain their performance and stability. Here are some suggestions for storing barium tungsten cathodes:

Vacuum storage: It is best to store barium tungsten cathodes in a vacuum environment to avoid oxidation and contamination. If possible, cathodes can be placed in vacuum-sealed containers or bags to ensure a pure environment during storage.

Store away from light: Prolonged exposure to light may affect the performance of barium tungsten cathodes. Therefore, it is best to store the cathode in a dark environment and avoid direct sunlight.

Dry environment: Try to store the barium tungsten cathode in a dry environment to prevent moisture and corrosion. Humidity may affect the performance and electron emission characteristics of the cathode surface.

Avoid collisions: Take care to protect the cathodes from collisions or mechanical damage during storage. Avoid any action that may affect the shape and finish of the cathode surface.

Periodic inspection: During storage, periodically check the condition of the barium tungsten cathode to ensure that there is no contamination, oxidation or other abnormalities. If a problem is found, it is necessary to take timely measures to clean or repair it.

Labeling and Recording: It is advisable to label and record each barium tungsten cathode stored so that its storage time and condition can be traced. This helps to better manage cathode storage and maintenance.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website:

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of barium tungsten electrodes:


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