Are Barium Tungsten Cathodes Used in Cathode Ray Tubes?

Barium tungsten cathodes are often used in cathode ray tubes (CRT, Cathode Ray Tube). A cathode ray tube is a technology widely used in monitors, televisions, oscilloscopes, and more, that produces images by scanning a beam of electrons. The barium tungsten cathode acts as an electron emission source in a CRT, generating electron beams that are used to scan pixels on a fluorescent screen to produce images.

The following is the application of barium tungsten cathode in cathode ray tube (CRT):

Electron emission source: Barium tungsten cathode is used as an electron emission source in CRT, and its electron emission performance is very suitable for generating stable and high-intensity electron beams.

Electron beam emission: The electron beam generated by the barium-tungsten cathode is accelerated and focused onto different pixels of the fluorescent screen, thereby exciting the fluorescent material to form visible light and form an image.

Scanning and Imaging: The electron beam is steered by horizontal and vertical scanning coils to generate images by scanning different areas on the screen.

High brightness and contrast: The high-energy electron beam generated by the barium tungsten cathode can excite the fluorescent material to produce bright light, so that CRT can achieve high brightness and high contrast display effect.

Fast response time: The high energy and fast scanning of the electron beam make the CRT have a fast response time, which is suitable for dynamic image display.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website:

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