Barium Tungsten Cathodes Used in Pump Light Source Lamps

Barium tungsten cathodes are also used in pump light source lamps. The pump light source lamp is usually a part of equipment such as lasers, which is used to generate excitation light, and then activate the laser medium to generate laser output. The following is the application of barium tungsten cathode in the pump light source lamp:

Photon excitation: The pump light source lamp usually produces high-energy photons, which will excite atoms or molecules in the laser medium, thereby producing laser emission.

Electron emission source: The barium tungsten cathode can be used as an electron emission source to generate electron beams, which can be used to excite high-energy photons required to generate pump light sources.

High-energy generation: The electron beam generated by the barium-tungsten cathode can be used to hit the laser medium to make it reach the excitation energy level, thereby generating high-energy excitation light.

Stability: The barium tungsten cathode can generate a stable electron beam, which is very important in the pump light source, because a stable electron beam helps to generate stable excitation light.

Fast response: The electron beam generated by the barium tungsten cathode has a fast response time, which helps the pump light source lamp to quickly produce the required photons.

More details of barium tungsten electrode, please visit website:

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of barium tungsten electrodes:


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