How Is Tungsten Oxide Electrochromic Glass Manufactured?

Manufacturing tungsten oxide electrochromic glass typically involves coating a thin film of tungsten oxide onto the glass surface rather than adding tungsten oxide directly to the glass material. The specific preparation process may involve the following steps:

Glass Substrate Preparation

Prepare glass substrates suitable for coating tungsten oxide thin films. Substrates should have appropriate physical and chemical properties to support thin film attachment and stability.

Tungsten Oxide Solution Preparation

Prepare a solution or suspension containing tungsten oxide. This can be achieved by chemical synthesis methods or other suitable techniques. The tungsten oxide particles or dispersion in the solution should have a suitable concentration and particle size distribution.

Coating Process

The tungsten oxide solution was coated on the surface of the glass substrate. This can be done using coating techniques such as spin coating, spray coating, brush coating or evaporation. The coating process and conditions need to be precisely controlled to obtain a uniform and appropriate thickness of the tungsten oxide film.

Heat Treatment

The glass substrate coated with the tungsten oxide solution is heat-treated. This step helps the tungsten oxide particles in the solution form a dense and stable film on the glass surface and removes solvents or volatile components.

Other Follow-Up Processing

Further processing steps, such as annealing, sintering, etching, etc., can be performed to tune the properties and microstructure of the film as required. Note that the specific preparation methods and process parameters may vary depending on the manufacturer, research institution, or patent protection. Therefore, in order to obtain accurate and detailed information, it is recommended to refer to relevant scientific literature, patent documents, or conduct further communication and inquiries with institutions or companies engaged in the research or production of tungsten oxide electrochromic glass.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten oxide:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595