How to Clean the Surface of Tungsten Wire?

The process flow of cleaning tungsten wire includes the following steps:

  1. Pickling: First, put the drawn tungsten wire into the pickling tank. Commonly used pickling solutions include sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc. The purpose of pickling is to remove the oxide layer and dirt on the surface and restore the smoothness of the tungsten wire surface. During the pickling process, the temperature and concentration of the pickling solution need to be controlled to avoid corrosion of the tungsten wire.
  2. Water washing: After pickling, take out the tungsten wire and wash it with water. The purpose of water washing is to completely remove the pickling liquid residue and acidic substances to avoid adverse effects on subsequent processes. When washing, you can use distilled water or deionized water to ensure the purity of cleaning.
  3. Drying: The washed tungsten wire needs to be dried to remove moisture on the surface. Drying can be done naturally or in an oven. The drying temperature should be appropriate to avoid thermal stress on the tungsten wire.
  4. Chemical treatment: There are some tungsten wires with special requirements that require chemical treatment. For example, tungsten wire used in electronic components can be surface-coated to improve its corrosion resistance and welding performance. The specific method of chemical treatment and liquid formula need to be selected according to different requirements
  5. Inspection: After cleaning is completed, the tungsten wire needs to be inspected for quality. Common inspection items include appearance quality, diameter accuracy, tensile strength, etc. Only tungsten wire that passes the inspection can enter the next process step or leave the factory.

More details of tungsten wire, please visit website:

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten wires.


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