What Is a High-Density Tungsten Alloy Radiation Filter for Radiotherapy Equipment?

High-density tungsten alloy radiotherapy equipment radiation filter is a device used to filter radiation from radiotherapy equipment. It is usually made of high-density tungsten alloy material, which has high density and ray absorption capacity, and can effectively filter out low-energy radiation and only allow high-energy radiation to pass through.

During radiation therapy, patients need to receive a certain dose of high-energy radiation to destroy tumor cells while protecting normal tissues and organs from damage. Low-energy radiation can cause greater damage to normal tissues and organs, so it needs to be filtered out. High-density tungsten alloy radiotherapy equipment radiation filters can be used to filter low-energy radiation and only allow high-energy radiation to pass through, thereby protecting normal tissues and organs from damage.

This filter is usually made of high-density tungsten alloy material, because tungsten alloy has high density and radiation absorption capacity, and can effectively absorb and scatter low-energy radiation, allowing only high-energy radiation to pass through. In addition, tungsten alloy also has good corrosion resistance and stability, and can be used for a long time in harsh environments such as high temperature and high pressure.

High-density tungsten alloy radiotherapy equipment radiation filters are generally prepared by electron beam melting or powder metallurgy. Among them, electron beam melting can produce high-quality tungsten alloy materials, while powder metallurgy can produce tungsten alloy parts with complex shapes and structures.

In short, the high-density tungsten alloy radiotherapy equipment radiation filter is an important medical equipment accessory that can effectively filter out low-energy radiation and only allow high-energy radiation to pass through, thus protecting normal tissues and organs from damage. Improve the effectiveness and safety of radiation therapy.

More details of tungsten alloy product, please visit website: http://tungsten-alloy.com/
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