What Are the Applications of Ultrafine Tungsten Manipulator Probe?

Ultrafine tungsten manipulator probes have a variety of applications, including but not limited to the following:

1. Chemical reaction control and analysis: Tungsten needles can be used as electrochemical probes to analyze substances in solutions, or as filling materials for gas chromatography columns to separate and analyze components in gas mixtures.

2. Material testing and analysis: Tungsten probes can be used to test and measure the performance of various materials and devices. For example, in the electronics industry, tungsten probes can be used to test circuit connections, trigger electronic components, and more.

3. Biological and medical applications: Tungsten probes can be used in biological and medical fields, such as as ion sources in mass spectrometers to analyze mass spectrometry data of biomolecules and organic molecules.

4. Microelectronic testing: According to different electronic testing purposes, tungsten probes can be divided into microelectronic testing probes (wafer testing or chip IC testing probes), which are used to test the electrical properties of chips or wafers.

More details of tungsten needles, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/tungsten-needles-and-pins.html

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten needles:

Email: sales@chinatungsten.com

Tel.: +86 592 5129595