What Is Strengthening Mechanism of High-Density Alloys?

The strengthening mechanisms of high-density alloys mainly include solid solution strengthening, precipitation strengthening and grain boundary strengthening.

Solid solution strengthening mainly generates a certain stress field through solid solution of alloy element atoms in the lattice gaps or nodes to hinder dislocation movement. The effect of this strengthening mechanism mainly depends on the atomic size difference between the matrix elements and the alloying elements.

Precipitation strengthening and dispersion strengthening mainly cause alloy strengthening through the compounds of alloy elements and matrix elements obtained through the phase transformation process and the hard particles mechanically mixed in the matrix material. The effect of this strengthening mechanism is much greater than that of solid solution strengthening. When dislocations encounter the second phase during their movement, they need to cut through (precipitation-strengthened small particles and dispersion-strengthened particles) or bypass (precipitation-strengthened large-sized particles) the second phase, so the second phase (precipitation phase and diffuse phase) hinder dislocation movement.

Grain boundary strengthening follows the Hall-Petch formula. The relationship between the yield point and the grain diameter is σs=σo+kd-1. The essence is that dislocations require additional stress to cross the grain boundaries. Therefore, low-temperature steels often adopt fine-grained structures.

In addition, in orderly strengthening, in some ordered alloys, for superdislocation to cause plastic deformation of the metal, the two sub-dislocations of the superdislocation need to move at the same time, thus requiring greater external stress. The binding force between atoms of heterogeneous elements is greater than the binding force between atoms of similar elements, so the orderly arrangement of heterogeneous atoms gives ordered alloys higher strength.

More details of tungsten alloy product, please visit website: http://tungsten-alloy.com/
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