How to Use a Barium Tungsten Cathode Beauty Lamp?

When using a barium tungsten cathode beauty lamp, certain steps and precautions need to be followed to ensure safe and effective treatment outcomes. The following are general usage guidelines:

Preparation work:

Before use, ensure that the beauty lamp is in good condition and all components are intact and undamaged.

Clean and dry the treatment area to ensure that light can fully act on the skin.

If necessary, apply an appropriate amount of gel or lubricant on the skin to reduce discomfort and improve the penetration of light.

Adjust settings:

Adjust the spectral wavelength, energy density, and pulse frequency of the beauty lamp according to the treatment purpose and personal skin type.

Ensure that the range and intensity of light exposure are suitable for the treatment area, and avoid exposure to non target areas.

Wearing protective equipment:

During the treatment process, appropriate protective glasses should be worn to avoid light damage to the eyes.

If necessary, protective gloves or masks can be worn to reduce direct contact and potential irritation to the skin.

Start treatment:

Aim the beauty lamp at the treatment area to ensure that the light is evenly distributed on the skin.

According to the treatment needs, the angle and distance of light irradiation can be adjusted to achieve the best effect.

During the treatment process, keep the skin relaxed and comfortable, and avoid excessive movement or tension.

End of treatment:

After completing the treatment, turn off the beauty light and wait for it to cool down.

Clean the treatment area to remove residual gel or lubricant.

Observe skin reactions and seek medical advice promptly if there is any discomfort or abnormality.


Before using a beauty lamp, it is best to consult the advice of a professional doctor or beautician to ensure the selection of spectral wavelengths and energy density that are suitable for personal skin type and treatment purposes.

Avoid using beauty lamps in direct sunlight to reduce potential irritation and damage to the skin.

During the treatment process, if discomfort such as skin redness, swelling, pain, and itching occurs, immediate cessation of use and medical consultation should be sought.

Pregnant women, lactating women, and individuals with specific skin diseases should consult a professional doctor before use.

Please note that the above guidelines are for reference only, and specific usage methods and precautions may vary depending on different brands and models of beauty lamps. Before use, please carefully read the product manual and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. CTIA GROUP LTD produces and supplies tungsten barium electrodes for use in beauty equipment, but is not familiar with the treatment process and technology, and is not responsible for the above guiding principles.

More details of tungsten barium elecrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website:

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN ONLINE for inquiry and order of tungsten needles:


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