What Are the Characteristics of Impregnated Barium Tungsten Electrodes?

The impregnated barium tungsten electrode has the following significant characteristics:

High electron emission performance

The impregnation of barium tungsten electrode significantly improves the electron emission ability of the electrode by impregnating barium or other active substances. This enables it to rapidly and stably emit electrons in applications such as gas discharge lamps and high-frequency flashing lamps, ensuring the normal operation and efficient operation of the equipment.

Low escape work

Escape work is the minimum energy required for electrons to escape from a solid surface. The lower escape work of the impregnated barium tungsten electrode means that under the same conditions, the electrode can more easily emit electrons, further improving its electron emission performance.

High electron emission current density

Impregnated barium tungsten electrodes can generate higher electron emission current density on a smaller area. This gives electrodes significant advantages in miniaturized, high-power density devices.

Good ignition speed of gas discharge lamps

In gas discharge lamps, the impregnated barium tungsten electrode can quickly start and work stably, achieving rapid ignition. This helps to improve the response speed and stability of the device.

Low electrode operating temperature

The immersion barium tungsten electrode generates less heat during operation, so the working temperature of the electrode is relatively low. This helps to extend the lifespan of electrodes and reduce equipment energy consumption.

High stability and durability

The impregnated barium tungsten electrode has good chemical and physical stability, and can operate stably for a long time in harsh working environments. At the same time, its mechanical strength is also high, which can resist erosion and damage from the external environment.

Widely applicable fields

Due to its excellent characteristics, impregnated barium tungsten electrodes have a wide range of applications in gas discharge lamps, high-frequency flash lamps, microwave devices, and other fields. These devices play important roles in medical, scientific research, industrial and other fields.

In summary, impregnated barium tungsten electrodes have shown broad application prospects and huge market potential in various fields due to their high electron emission performance, low work loss, and high electron emission current density.

More details of tungsten barium elecrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-cathode.html

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