What Equipment and Technology are Needed for Production of 90WMoNiFe Alloy?

The production process of 90WMoNiFe alloy does require some special equipment and technology to ensure the quality and performance of the alloy.

Production equipment of 90WMoNiFe alloy

Mixing equipment

Used to evenly mix metal powders such as tungsten, molybdenum, nickel, and iron to ensure the accuracy of the alloy composition. This usually involves efficient stirring and mixing machinery.

Pressing machine

This type of equipment can press the mixed powder into a preset shape, such as blocks, rods, etc. The pressure and temperature need to be precisely controlled during the pressing process to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the molding.

Sintering furnace

The sintering furnace is used to sinter the pressed alloy at high temperature. The sintering furnace needs to have precise temperature control function to ensure that the alloy undergoes solid phase reaction at the appropriate temperature to form a dense alloy structure.

Heat treatment equipment: such as annealing furnace, quenching equipment, etc., used to heat treat the sintered alloy and adjust its organization and properties.

Processing equipment

Such as cutting machine, grinder, polisher, etc., used for subsequent processing of the alloy to obtain the final product.

90WMoNiFe alloy production technology

Powder metallurgy technology

This is the core technology of 90WMoNiFe alloy production, involving multiple links such as powder preparation, mixing, pressing and sintering. The performance and quality of the alloy can be ensured by precisely controlling the particle size, distribution and mixing uniformity of the powder.

Heat treatment technology

Including annealing, quenching and other processes, the microstructure and properties of the alloy are adjusted by precisely controlling the heating and cooling process.

Quality control technology

Strict quality inspection and control are required during the production process, including chemical composition analysis, physical property testing, etc., to ensure that the alloy meets the predetermined standards and requirements.

In addition, with the advancement of science and technology, some advanced technologies have also been applied to the production of 90WMoNiFe alloys, such as nanotechnology, laser processing technology, etc. The application of these technologies can further improve the performance and processing accuracy of the alloy.

The specific equipment and technology selection will vary according to the production scale, product requirements and the actual situation of the manufacturer. Therefore, in the actual production process, it is necessary to select and configure equipment and technology according to the specific situation.

More details of tungsten alloy product, please visit website: http://tungsten-alloy.com/
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten alloy:
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