How Long Is the Life of a Diffused Barium Tungsten Cathode?

The life of a diffused barium tungsten cathode is not a fixed value, but is affected by many factors, including operating temperature, current density, vacuum atmosphere, etc. At the same time, the life of the cathode is also closely related to its design and preparation process.

In some studies, through specific accelerated life tests, a new impregnated barium tungsten cathode structure was tested at a specific operating temperature and current density, and it was found that the life of this new cathode exceeded 190,000 hours. However, this is only a test result under specific conditions and cannot represent the life of all diffused barium tungsten cathodes.

In actual applications, the life of a diffused barium tungsten cathode may vary depending on the specific conditions of use. At present, there is a large gap between domestic diffused cathodes and foreign countries in the fields of basic research and application production, which is mainly reflected in the types of cathodes, emission levels, life and consistency. For example, the current emission density of the currently practical coated impregnated barium tungsten cathode is less than 15 A/cm², and the cathode life can only reach hundreds to thousands of hours.

Therefore, in order to obtain more accurate life data, it is recommended to conduct long-term testing and observation in the actual application environment, and optimize the design and preparation process to improve the life and performance of the cathode.

More details of tungsten barium electrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website:

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