What Factors Affect the Life of the Diffused Barium Tungsten Cathode?

The life of the diffused barium tungsten cathode is affected by many factors. The following are some of the main factors:

Alloying degree

The alloying degree of the cathode material directly affects its electron emission performance and life. Appropriate alloying can optimize the microstructure of the cathode and improve the stability and uniformity of its electron emission.

Barium supply

Barium is an important active substance in the diffused barium tungsten cathode, and its supply directly affects the emission performance and life of the cathode. The barium stored inside the cathode will continuously replenish the barium loss caused by evaporation, gas poisoning, etc. to maintain a stable low work function state on the cathode surface. If the barium supply is insufficient, the cathode emission performance will decrease and the life will be shortened.

Working temperature

Working temperature is one of the key factors affecting the life of the diffused barium tungsten cathode. Excessive temperature will accelerate the evaporation of barium and the aging of the cathode, reducing the emission performance and life of the cathode. Excessive low temperature may cause the cathode emission to be unstable, affecting the normal operation of the equipment.

Vacuum atmosphere

The vacuum atmosphere also has an important influence on the life of the diffused barium tungsten cathode. In a vacuum atmosphere, the interaction between the cathode surface and gas molecules will change, thus affecting the cathode’s emission performance and life. At the same time, impurity gases in the vacuum atmosphere will also poison the cathode, reducing its emission performance and life.

Current density

Current density is another important factor affecting the life of the diffused barium tungsten cathode. Excessive current density will cause the cathode surface temperature to rise, accelerate the evaporation of barium and the aging of the cathode. At the same time, excessive current density may also cause local overheating and damage to the cathode.

Preparation process

The preparation process of the diffused barium tungsten cathode will also affect its life. During the preparation process, it is necessary to strictly control the material’s composition, structure, porosity and other parameters to ensure that the cathode has good emission performance and stability.

More details of tungsten barium electrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-cathode.html

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