What Are the Disadvantages of Diffused Barium Tungsten Cathodes?

Although diffused barium tungsten cathodes have many advantages, they also have some disadvantages that may limit their use in certain applications. Here are some of the main disadvantages:

Sensitive to the working environment

The diffused barium tungsten cathode has high requirements for the working environment, especially in terms of vacuum and atmosphere purity. If the vacuum in the working environment is insufficient or there are impurity gases, cathode poisoning or performance degradation may occur.

Working temperature limit

The working temperature of the diffused barium tungsten cathode usually needs to be controlled within a certain range. If the temperature is too high, it may cause the cathode material to evaporate too quickly and shorten the cathode life; if the temperature is too low, it may affect the emission performance of the cathode.

Emission stability is affected by many factors

Although the diffused barium tungsten cathode has good emission stability, its stability is affected by many factors, such as working voltage, current density, vacuum, etc. Changes in these factors may cause instability in the cathode emission performance.

Complicated preparation process

The preparation process of the diffused barium tungsten cathode is relatively complex, requiring precise control of parameters such as the ratio of materials, temperature and time during the preparation process. This increases the difficulty and cost of preparation.

Limited lifespan

Although the lifespan of diffused barium tungsten cathodes is relatively long, it is still limited. After long-term use, the cathode material may gradually consume or degrade in performance, requiring regular replacement or maintenance.

More details of tungsten barium electrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-cathode.html

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