What Is a Barium Tungsten Electrode Xenon Lamp?

A barium tungsten electrode xenon lamp is a special gas discharge lamp, which is characterized by the use of barium tungsten electrodes as key components.

First of all, the barium tungsten electrode is a high-intensity gas discharge lamp electrode material with excellent characteristics such as high electron emission capability, low work function, high electron emission electron current density, good gas discharge lamp starting speed and low electrode operating temperature. This electrode is also non-radioactive and resistant to poisoning. Lighting equipment prepared with barium tungsten electrodes, such as strobe lamps, has significantly improved starting performance and can be used normally in an environment below 10% of the mains voltage (220V).

Xenon lamps, especially long arc xenon lamps, are usually tubular in structure, and the lamp tube is made of a fully transparent quartz tube that is resistant to high temperatures and has a small thermal expansion coefficient. The tube is filled with high-purity xenon gas, and two thoriated tungsten or barium tungsten electrodes are sealed at both ends. Under the action of high-voltage pulses, a spark discharge channel is initially formed in the lamp tube, and the resulting electrons and ions continue to ionize neutral gas molecules and atoms under the action of the electric field, resulting in an avalanche process. Under the impact of ions, the electrode is heated to become a thermal emitter, emitting a large number of thermal electrons, generating a large current, and then forming a stable arc discharge.

More details of tungsten barium electrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-cathode.html

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