What Is a Barium Tungsten Emitter?

Barium tungsten emitter (Ba-W cathode) is a specially designed cathode material mainly used in modern microwave vacuum electronic devices. This material is popular for its high pulse current emission density, long service life, resistance to ion bombardment and anti-poisoning ability.

The basic structure of the barium tungsten emitter is to use the porous characteristics of the tungsten matrix to store active substances (such as barium) in the tungsten sponge. Under working conditions, these active substances react with the tungsten matrix, and the reduced free barium diffuses along the pores to the cathode surface to form a stable electron emission source.

The performance of the barium tungsten emitter is mainly determined by two parts: one is the porous tungsten matrix, which provides sufficient surface area and pores to accommodate the active substances; the other is the active substances filled in the pores of the matrix, which generate electron emission during the reaction. At present, the active substances used in barium tungsten emitters are usually aluminates mixed with BaO, CaO, and Al2O3 in a certain proportion.

Barium tungsten emitters are widely used in cyclotron traveling wave tubes, high-current linear induction accelerators, klystrons and other devices, providing a steady supply of electrons for these devices. It is the core component of vacuum electronic equipment and has a vital impact on the performance of the equipment.

More details of tungsten barium electrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-cathode.html

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