How Does Ph Range of Tungsten Smelting Affect the Extraction and Purification of Tungsten?

During the tungsten smelting process, the control of pH value has a significant impact on the extraction and purification of tungsten. Below is a detailed analysis of the impact of pH range on extraction and purification of tungsten:


Effect of pH value on the existence form and stability of tungsten

Tungsten exists in different chemical forms at different pH values, such as dissolved state, coordination state and precipitation state. Changes in pH affect the conversion between these forms, thereby affecting tungsten extraction efficiency.

At lower pH values, tungsten tends to exist in a dissolved state, which is beneficial to the extraction of tungsten. However, too low a pH value may lead to problems such as equipment corrosion and environmental pollution.

Within an appropriate pH range, tungsten can exist stably, which is beneficial to the subsequent purification process. For example, when the pH value is 8 to 9, sodium silicate is hydrolyzed into silicic acid and condenses and precipitates, which is beneficial to the purification of tungsten.


Effect of pH value on tungsten precipitation process

Changes in pH will affect the precipitation rate of tungsten and the properties of the precipitate. At an appropriate pH value, tungsten can precipitate out at an appropriate rate, and the precipitate formed has high purity and crystallinity.

When the pH value is too high or too low, it may cause the morphology of the precipitate to change or the particles to aggregate, thus affecting the extraction and purification effect of tungsten. For example, when the pH value is too high, tungstate with high solubility may be formed, which is not conducive to the precipitation of tungsten; while when the pH value is too low, a colloidal precipitate that is difficult to separate may be formed.


Effect of pH value on impurity removal

During the tungsten smelting process, a variety of impurity elements need to be removed, such as silicon, phosphorus, arsenic, molybdenum, etc. The removal of these impurities is often closely related to pH value.

For example, when the pH value is 8 to 9, sodium silicate is hydrolyzed into silicic acid to condense and precipitate, which can effectively remove silicon impurities; while when the pH value is 2.5 to 3.0, molybdenum will form an insoluble molybdenum trisulfide precipitate and be removed. .


In summary, the control of pH value during the tungsten smelting process has an important impact on the extraction and purification of tungsten. By optimizing the pH range, tungsten extraction efficiency can be increased, energy consumption and costs reduced, and product quality improved. In actual operation, a suitable pH value range needs to be selected based on specific ore composition, equipment conditions and other factors.

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