How to Choose a Suitable Tungsten Ejecting Needle?

1. Determine the size and specifications of the required thimble: Determine the size and specifications of the required thimble according to the actual application requirements. Ejectors of different specifications correspond to different usage scenarios and requirements.

2. Choose the appropriate hardness and wear resistance: Choose a tungsten ejecting needle with appropriate hardness and wear resistance according to the actual application scenario and the parameters such as friction and pressure that need to be borne.

3. Consider corrosion resistance: If the application scenario involves a corrosive environment, a tungsten ejecting needle with good corrosion resistance should be selected.

4. Precision requirements: According to actual processing requirements, select a tungsten ejecting needle with precision that meets the requirements. Generally speaking, the higher the precision of the thimble, the higher the price.

5. Brand and quality: Choosing a tungsten ejecting needle with a well-known brand and reliable quality can ensure its performance and service life. At the same time, customized production can also be carried out according to the actual application scenario.

More details of tungsten needles, please visit website:

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten needles:


Tel.: +86 592 5129595