How Is the Biocompatibility of Minimally Invasive Surgical Tungsten Needles?

Minimally invasive surgical tungsten needles have good biocompatibility. Due to their high purity and dense crystal structure, tungsten needles will not cause obvious corrosion or deterioration when used in the human body for a long time. The surface of the tungsten needle is smooth and will not adhere to or breed bacteria, thus reducing the risk of infection.

In addition, tungsten needles are well compatible with human tissues and organs and will not cause obvious rejection or allergic reactions. After long-term implantation in the human body, tungsten needles will not cause obvious inflammatory reactions or foreign body reactions, reducing the patient’s postoperative recovery time.

In short, minimally invasive surgical tungsten needles have good biocompatibility, making them a safe and reliable surgical instrument.

More details of tungsten needles, please visit website:

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten needles:


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