How can the Environmental Impact of the Ammonium Metatungstate Production Process be Reduced?

In order to reduce the environmental impact in the production process of ammonium metatungstate, the following measures can be taken, which will be indicated and summarized in points according to different environmental impact categories:


  1. Wastewater treatment and reduction

Recycling and reuse of wastewater: realize recycling and recovery of wastewater by improving the production process, and reduce the discharge of wastewater.

Deep treatment of wastewater: Adopt advanced wastewater treatment technologies, such as ion exchange, adsorption, membrane separation, etc., to ensure that heavy metals and harmful substances in wastewater are effectively removed and meet the discharge standards.

Strict control of wastewater discharge: establish wastewater treatment facilities to ensure that wastewater is treated to meet national emission standards and avoid pollution of the environment.


Second, waste gas treatment and emission reduction

Waste gas collection and treatment: The waste gas generated in the production process should be effectively collected and appropriate treatment technologies, such as adsorption and catalytic oxidation, should be adopted to reduce the content of harmful substances in the waste gas.

Strict control of exhaust gas emission: the treated exhaust gas should be monitored to ensure that the emission concentration meets the national environmental protection standards and reduce air pollution.


III. Solid Waste Management and Disposal

Classification of solid waste: Classify the solid waste generated in the production process to facilitate subsequent treatment and disposal.

Waste recycling and reuse: Recycling and reuse of solid waste that can be recycled, such as waste catalysts, waste residue, etc., to reduce the waste of resources.

Safe Disposal of Hazardous Wastes: Hazardous wastes that cannot be recycled and reused should be entrusted to professional organizations for safe disposal to ensure that they do not cause harm to the environment.


  1. Energy utilization and energy saving

Optimize production process: Reduce energy consumption and improve energy use efficiency by improving production process and equipment.

Promote clean energy: Where conditions permit, use clean energy to replace traditional energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, etc., to reduce fossil energy consumption and pollutant emissions.


  1. Environmental Management and Supervision

Establishment of environmental protection management system: formulate a strict environmental protection management system, clarify environmental protection responsibilities and requirements, and ensure that all environmental protection measures are effectively implemented.

Strengthen environmental protection training: Strengthen employees’ environmental protection awareness and training, and improve employees’ attention to environmental protection work and operation ability.

Regular monitoring and assessment: carry out regular monitoring and assessment of the environmental impact of the production process, identify and solve problems in a timely manner, and ensure that the environmental protection work is effective.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595