How to Treat the Exhaust Gas of Ammonium Metatungstate to Reduce the Pollution to the Atmosphere?

The treatment of exhaust gases from the production process of ammonium metatungstate in order to reduce the pollution of the atmosphere can be realized mainly by the following methods:

Condensation-absorption treatment

In the tungsten smelting process, ammonia in the exhaust gas can be treated by condensation-absorption. For example, the ammonia tail gas is absorbed by condensation-hydrochloric acid secondary spraying to get the absorption liquid with high ammonia content and ammonia-containing condensate.

This process realizes the effective absorption of ammonia and reduces the emission of ammonia into the atmosphere.


Ammonia activation treatment and blow-off recovery

For ammonia-containing condensate and ammonia-containing wastewater in production, ammonia activation treatment can be carried out for ammonia-nitrogen wastewater by adding alkali. The ammonia is then blown off and recovered to produce ammonium chloride. In this process, the ammonia is efficiently recovered and emissions to the atmosphere are reduced.


Ammonia Recycling Absorption

Recycling of ammonia using hydrochloric acid and ammonium chloride results in a highly concentrated ammonium chloride solution.

The solution can be returned to the ion exchange process for reuse, which not only realizes the recycling of ammonia, but also reduces emissions.


Exhaust gas treatment device

Specialized exhaust gas treatment devices, such as a system consisting of a gas/vapor separator, exhaust gas absorption piping, and an absorption tower, are used to provide targeted treatment of the exhaust gas. For example, the efficiency of ammonia absorption can be further improved by using equipment such as dilute ammonia conditioning tanks and absorption towers.


Emission control

After treatment, the waste gas needs to ensure that it meets national and local emission standards before it is discharged into the atmosphere.

By setting up emission outlets and emission monitoring equipment, the emission of waste gas can be monitored in real time to ensure that the emission meets the standards.


Source Control

In addition to the treatment of exhaust gases, it is also possible to reduce the production of exhaust gases by improving the production process and optimizing the ratio of raw materials. For example, the production process of APT (ammonium paratungstate) is optimized to reduce the use of ammonia, thus reducing the emission of exhaust gas.


Exhaust gas treatment in the production process of ammonium paratungstate is mainly through condensation-absorption, ammonia activation treatment and blow-off recovery, and ammonia recycling and absorption to realize effective recovery of ammonia and reduce emissions. At the same time, specialized waste gas treatment devices and emission control means are adopted to ensure that the waste gas emission meets the requirements of environmental protection. In addition, reducing the generation of waste gas through source control is also an effective way to reduce waste gas emissions.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595