What are the Main Production Costs of Ammonium Metatungstate?

The production cost of Ammonium Metatungstate mainly includes the following aspects:


Raw material cost

The main raw materials for the preparation of ammonium metatungstate include sodium tungstate, ammonium salt and so on. The prices of these raw materials will be affected by market supply and demand, price fluctuations in the international market and the cost of mining and refining raw materials. Therefore, raw material cost is an important part of the production cost of ammonium metatungstate.


Energy Cost

The production of ammonium metatungstate needs to consume a certain amount of electric energy and thermal energy, and the consumption of these energies will directly affect the production cost. For example, evaporation crystallization, drying and other processes need to consume a large amount of thermal energy, while the operation and maintenance of equipment also need electrical energy support. Therefore, energy costs are also an important factor in production costs.


Production equipment cost

The preparation of ammonium metatungstate requires certain production equipment, including reaction kettle, centrifuge, drying equipment and so on. The purchase, installation, debugging and maintenance of these equipments all need to invest money, which constitutes part of the production cost.


Labor cost

The production of ammonium metatungstate requires certain labor operation and management, such as raw material placement, equipment monitoring and maintenance, product testing, etc.. These labor costs include employees’ wages, benefits and training costs, etc.


Management Costs

Management costs include costs for production management, quality management, safety and environmental protection. These costs are used to ensure the smooth running of the production process, product quality and safe production.



Taxes and fees include all kinds of taxes and fees such as value-added tax and income tax. These taxes and fees are expenses that must be paid by enterprises in the course of production and operation, and they are also part of the production costs.


Although the exact amount figure or percentage varies with different production methods and regions, it is not possible to give a specific figure. However, it can be summarized that the production cost of ammonium metatungstate is mainly composed of raw material cost, energy cost, production equipment cost, labor cost, management cost and tax. In order to reduce the production cost, enterprises can optimize the production process, improve the efficiency of equipment, reduce energy consumption, reduce waste emissions and so on.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website: http://ammonium-metatungstate.com/
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129595